
寧願、句子結構 - 古德明

2013年05月29日 - 蘋果

問:以下一句的see字,可不可改為seeing?──Rather than see the treasure fall into the Russians' hands, Ney had it distributed among the soldiers(內伊把財寶分給將士,以免落入俄國人手上)。

答:Rather than有「與其……不如」、「不是……而是」的意思,其後可以用不帶to的原形動詞(infinitive),也可以用ing動詞,例如:Rather than tell / telling a lie, he remained silent(與其說謊,他寧願繼續沉默)。Rather than之後,用原形動詞應比用ing動詞普遍。

當然,以下一句必須用swimming:He enjoys playing football rather than swimming(他喜歡的是踢足球而不是游泳)。這一句的swimming,和playing football一樣,是enjoys的受詞(object),不可用動詞swim取代。

問:It was not those who surrendered who suffered the most(最苦的,不是投降者)這一句,一個名詞those怎麼可以帶出兩個關係子句(relative clause)who surrendered和who suffered the most?

答:文法上,those who surrendered可以當作一個名詞,例如:

(1)The soldiers were well treated(將士獲得良好待遇)。

(2)Those who surrendered were well treated(投降者獲得良好待遇)。同樣道理,你可以說It was not the soldiers who/ that suffered the most,也可以說It was not those who surrendered who/ that suffered the most。兩句結構相同。

