
As well as+動詞 - 古德明

2013年10月02日 - 蘋果

問:以下一句,哪個選擇正確?──This function enables you to download music as well as recording / to record a message(這功能可以下載音樂,也可以錄下音信)。

答:As well as帶出的動詞,應用什麼形式,說法紛紜。英語學者Frederick T Wood的英語用法指南Current English Usage說:"As well as" must be followed by a gerund(as well as之後,動詞必須用ing形式)。所以,他認為以下一句錯了:He spent all his money, as well as wasted his time(他花光了錢,也浪費了時間)。Wood把這一句修改如下:As well as wasting his time, he spent all his money/ He spent all his money, as well as wasting his time。

不過,韋氏英語用法詞典Webster's Dictionary of English Usage顯然不同意Wood的說法,認為as well as是連接詞(conjunction),可以接連動詞和動詞片語:It joins verbs and verbal phrases,例子如下:... who acted the role as well as sang it(扮演這角色,並唱其歌)。這一句的sang,假如按Wood的說法,就應改為singing。

當然,改為singing是沒有錯的。Webster's Dictionary of English Usage也說:"As well as" is also used as a preposition. In this function it is usually followed by a gerund(as well as假如作介系詞,則其後動詞多用ing形式)。所以,讀者示下那一句,用recording絕對正確。至於to record正不正確,明天再談。

