2011年5月23日 - 信報
英文免費雜誌HK每期都這樣介紹他:「Chip Tsao is a best-selling author and columnist. A former reporter for the BBC, his columns have also appeared in Apple Daily, Next Magazine and CUP Magazine, among others.」
寫這段文字的人,想必沒有讀過被很多職業寫作人奉為聖經的The Elements of Style。這本權威的英文寫作指南列出有關用法的八大守則(Elementary Rules of Usage),第七大守則就是「句子開端的分詞片語,所指的必須是句子當中文法上的主語」。原文照錄如下:A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject。
它還舉了一個例子。「On arriving in Chicago, his friends met him at the station.」是錯的英文,要改寫為 「When he arrived(or, On his arrival)in Chicago, his friends met him at the station.」才啱文法。
同樣道理,「A former reporter for the BBC, his columns have also appeared in Apple Daily, Next Magazine and CUP Magazine, among others.」須改寫為:「A former reporter for the BBC, he also writes columns that have appeared in Apple Daily, Next Magazine and CUP Magazine, among others.」明未?
依遍文俾我笑左兩分鐘。果個占飛根本唔識英文 lol
回覆刪除其他唔講, 佢改左之後後個 "participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence" 仲係一様 - "A former reporter for the BBC" LOL 信報仲要登... 信報係咪冇人識英文?!
依遍文俾我笑左兩分鐘。果個占飛根本唔識英文 lol
回覆刪除其他唔講, 佢改左之後後個 "participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence" 仲係一様 - "A former reporter for the BBC" LOL 信報仲要登... 信報係咪冇人識英文?!
樓上的讀者搞錯了。占飛改後的那句英文是正確的:(Having been)A former reporter for the BBC, he also writes columns that have appeared in Apple Daily, Next Magazine and CUP Magazine, among others.
回覆刪除這裡的he 指a former reporter,而participle "Having been" 可以略去。而介紹陶傑的那句則犯了dangling modifier這文法錯誤。
回覆刪除"它還舉了一個例子" 中的"它" 是指 The Elements of Style 這書吧。 "它"點舉例子呀?
"書中還有一個例子", or "作者還舉了一個例子" 才啱文法。