
新年新出發 - 馬露明

2015年1月3日 - 信報


A —— appreciate the people in my life(欣賞他人)

B —— be bold in speaking up for what I believe in(勇於堅持自己的信念)

C —— choose to focus on the positive(從正面處着眼)

D —— don't hold a grudge(不心懷怨恨)

E —— enjoy the little things in life(享受生活中的小事)

F —— forgive more quickly and easily(更快和更願意原諒他人)

G —— give to others without expecting anything in return (施恩莫望報)

H —— hug people – 7 people a day!(每天至少擁抱七個人)

I —— impart positive values to others(樹立正確價值觀)

J —— juggle time effectively(有效規劃時間)

K —— keep learning(不斷學習)

L —— listen before speaking, God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason!(多聽、少說話──這是上帝給我們一對耳朵和一張嘴的玄機!)

M —— make time for people(騰時間給人)

N —— never say never – you don't know what life has in store for you!(永不說不──你永不會知將來會碰上什麼事情)

O —— open my home to welcome and show
hospitality to guests(熱情款待每位來我家作客的朋友)

P —— put my phone down when speaking to others(與人交談放下手機,專心聽)

Q —— quiet down to reflect(經常靜思反省)

R —— remember to count my blessings(數算生命中的恩賜)

S —— say 'I love you' more(多說「我愛你」)

T —— try new things(嘗試新事物)

U —— utilize my belongings with care(珍惜擁有的一切)

V —— volunteer to help charities and those in need(幫助慈善機構和有需要的人)

W —— will have willpower to not overeat!

X —— express emotions calmly(心平氣和地表達情緒)

Y —— yield to others graciously(不怕吃虧)

Z —— zealously face life(積極面對生命)


教育系碩士、JEMS Learning House校長

