2013年1月12日 - 蘋果
問:英文歌"White Horse"有You'll... lead her up the stairwell(你會帶她走上樓梯)這一句。Stairwell和stairs、staircase、stairway等有什麼分別?要說「你會抱着她走上樓梯」英文怎麼說?
答:Staircase和stairway同義,指整條樓梯,包括扶手欄杆;stairwell直譯是「樓梯井」,指整條樓梯所佔的井形空間;a stair是「一級樓梯」,stairs則是其複數形式。「帶她走上樓梯」一般會說to lead her up the stairs,說to lead her up the staircase / stairway也可以,to lead her up the stairwell則最為少說。歌詞用stairwell,只是因為stairwell和上一句最後一字tale尾音較為諧協。
問:As time went by we saw less and less of each other(日子漸漸過去,我們越來越少見面)這一句,less and less之後為什麼用of?句子為什麼不寫作As time went by we saw each other less and less?
答:We saw less and less of each other的less是名詞,所以其後可以用of,謹再舉一例:Less of the wine was left than I had expected(剩下的酒,比我預期的少)。
We saw each other less and less同樣是正確說法,但less是副詞(adverb),修飾動詞saw,謹再舉一例:You should drink less(你應少喝點酒)。