2012年12月13日 - 蘋果
問:Cloud(雲)作可數(countable)或不可數(uncountable)名詞都可以,然則「三朵雲」應說three clouds還是three pieces of cloud?
答:論文法,three clouds和three pieces of cloud都是正確英文,但a cloud、two clouds等說法,比a piece/ two pieces of cloud等較為常見,聽起來也自然一點,例如:There were two or three clouds in the sky(天上有兩三朵雲)。
Cloud作不可數名詞,多是泛指浮雲,而不是清楚說出其數目,例如:We saw bits and pieces of cloud scudding across the sky(我們看見浮雲迅速飛過長空)。
問:法庭判決書有以下一句,其中otherwise一字的意思和用法,頗難明白,先生可不可以談談?──This court has repeatedly said that sympathetic personal circumstances of drug traffickers or their extended families cannot be a reason for reducing an otherwise appropriate sentence。
(1)He is rather lazy, but otherwise he is a good man(他頗為懶惰,此外則是個好人)。
(2)He was intelligent, or he could not have beaten his otherwise equals(他很聰明,否則不可能打敗其他方面都和他相若的對手)。