
欣賞她、沙灘上 - 古德明

2012年12月12日 - 蘋果

問:《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》有以下例句:Her family doesn't appreciate her(她不獲家人欣賞)。但appreciate不是不可用人作受詞(object)的嗎?我只知道英文可說I would appreciate it if you could help(假如你能幫忙,至為感謝)之類。


(1)I do not appreciate modern Chinese poetry(我不欣賞現代中文詩)。

(2)You must learn to appreciate Shakespeare(你必須學習欣賞莎士比亞)。

解作「感謝」的appreciate,其受詞則應是所感謝的事物,而不是人,例如I would appreciate it if you could help一語,可改為I would appreciate your help,但不可改為I would appreciate you if you could help。

問:At / in / on the beach這三個說法,哪個正確?

答:「在沙灘」英文可說at the beach或on the beach,但習慣不用in。用at,是把沙灘視作某處地方,一如at the theatre(在戲院)、at the supermarket(在超級市場)等;on the beach則強調「在沙灘上」。例如:

(1)I took several days' vacation at the beach last year(去年,我在沙灘度過幾天假期)。

(2)I am building a sandcastle on the beach(我正在沙灘上用沙堆城堡)。

