
所在地、明天放假 - 古德明

2012年11月29日 - 蘋果

問:以下句子的home to二字,是什麼意思?──Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei also have claims to parts of the(South China) sea, which is home to some of the world's most important shipping lanes。

答:Be home to(someone / something)即「是(某人/某事物)居住或所在的地方」,home作不可數名詞(uncountable noun)用,例如:Macao was home to him for many years(他曾在澳門居住多年)。讀者說的那一句,意思是「越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞、汶萊也都聲言擁有南中國海一部分。該海是國際上一些重要航道所在」。

問:要告訴同事「我明天早上放假」,以下哪個說法正確?──For your information, I will take leave in tomorrow morning / in the morning of tomorrow / tomorrow morning / in the a.m. session of tomorrow / in a.m. tomorrow/ in tomorrow a.m.。

答:「明天早上」是tomorrow morning,說in the morning也可以,例如:I will go to see the doctor tomorrow morning / in the morning(我明天早上會去看醫生)。讀者示下的其他說法都不正確。

留意假期如果已經安排好,一般會用現在式動詞來表示,例如:For your information, I am off on leave tomorrow morning或I would like to inform you that I am taking leave tomorrow morning。未來式動詞則可表示現在才下的決定,例如:I am feeling very tired, so I will take leave tomorrow. I will be back on Wednesday(我很疲倦,明天會放假,星期三才回來)。

