
強調說法、不能更好 - 古德明

2012年11月21日 - 蘋果

問:It is tomorrow that / when we leave for Taiwan(我們明天去臺灣)、It was in Hong Kong that / where I was born(我是在香港出世的)這兩句,that字是不是可用when或where取代?又是不是都可略去?

答:讀者示下的兩句,意思等於We leave for Taiwan tomorrow以及I was born in Hong Kong,但為了強調tomorrow和Hong Kong,就用it帶出這兩個字,而接以關係子句(relative clause,即用that、which、who、whom四字帶出的子句)。這是常見句式,例如讀者那兩句,改而強調「臺灣」和「我」,可以這樣寫:It is Taiwan that / which we leave for tomorrow、It is I that / who was born in Hong Kong。That、which、who、whom這四個關係代名詞(relative pronoun),不可用when、where等取代。

關係代名詞用在兩個名詞或代名詞之間,循例可以略去,所以你絕對可以說It is tomorrow we leave for Taiwan、It was in Hong Kong I was born等。

問:同學做了口頭報告之後,要稱讚他「做得不可能更好了」,應說It couldn't be better還是It couldn't have been better?

答:做口頭報告既已是過去的事,就應說It couldn't have been better。假如同學做報告之前,先準備了發言大綱給你看,你覺得好得無以復加,則可說:The outline is excellent. It couldn't be better。換言之,couldn't be better是說現在的事。

