
香港宜居、熟能生巧 - 古德明

2012年06月22日 - 蘋果 

問:Hong Kong is a good place to live(香港是個居住的好地方)一語,live之後要不要加in?

答:Place這個字之後,假如用「to+原形動詞(infinitive)」或「that/which子句(clause)」,那麼,介系詞(preposition)往往略去。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》place條有以下例句:We were looking for a place to eat(我們想找個地方吃東西)。這一句可改寫如下:

(1)We were looking for a place at which to eat。

(2)We were looking for a place to eat at。

(3)We were looking for a place at which we could eat。

(4)We were looking for a place(that/which)we could eat(at)。

(5)We were looking for a place where we could eat。

讀者示下那一句,同樣可改為Hong Kong is a good place in which to live或Hong Kong is a good place to live in。不用介系詞的寫法,較隨便也最常用。

問:「熟能生巧」常見譯做Practice makes perfect,是錯譯吧?改為Fluency leads to sophistication會不會好一點?

答:Practice makes perfect是成語,直譯是「熟練即能完美」,和「熟能生巧」同義。Fluency是「流暢」,sophistication則可解作「精巧」、「老練」、「高雅」、「矯揉造作」、「詭辯」等。Fluency leads to sophistication是什麼意思,恐怕沒有人說得準。

