
《雙城記》的問題 - 古德明

2013年07月16日 - 蘋果

問:狄更斯名著《雙城記》開頭說:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...(這是最美好的時候,也是最惡劣的時候)。那連串子句(clause),為什麼只用逗點接連,完全不用連接詞?


(1)It is five o'clock, and we are late(現在是五點鐘,我們遲了)。

(2)Tom was walking up and down, Henry was working on the computer, and Mary was watching television(湯姆在來回踱步,亨利在用電腦工作,瑪麗則在看電視)。

不過,有時子句可以只用逗點接連,不用連接詞。韋氏寫作指南Webster's Compact Writer's Guide指出:This styling is especially likely to be used if the clauses are short and feature obvious parallelism(假如各子句短而且結構明顯相若,更常用這寫法)。例句如下:One day you are a successful corporate lawyer, the next day you are out of work(這天你還是個有為的公司律師,第二天就告失業)。凱撒大帝有一名句,也可用作例子:I came, I saw, I conquered(我來之,見之,征服之)。謹再舉一例:The car is his wife, the bicycle is his mistress(他把汽車當作妻子,把腳踏車當作情婦)。

