2012年06月23日 - 蘋果
問:貴欄說過,名字之前假如有形容詞,則可冠以a、an或the。以下一句,為什麼用the而不用a?──The ailing Kangxi Emperor called seven of his sons to his bedside(卧病的康熙帝把七個兒子召到病榻前)。
答:這一句的前文假如沒有提過康熙病倒,則用an會較好;但假如提過,就應用the:這是「首次提及用a/an,其後提及用the」的常見原則。例如你老闆班納先生向來友善,但你有一天上班,卻見他滿面怒容站在跟前,你可以說:When I arrived at the office, I found myself faced with an angry boss/an angry Mr Banner。其後,你就可以說:Everyone took care to get out of the way of the angry boss/ the angry Mr Banner that day(那天,人人見到這個怒沖沖的老闆/班納先生,都避之則吉)。
答:英文可以說:What percentage of Y is X?例如「大學畢業生佔人口百分之幾?」英文是What percentage of the population are university graduates?
問:貴欄說「往訪某處」是call at a place,「往訪某人」則是call on a person,然則Call me on12345678和Call me at12345678有什麼分別?