2010年10月2日 - 信報
In those years, people will say, we lost track
Of the meaning of we, of you
We found ourselves
Reduced to I
And the whole thing become
Silly, ironic, terrible:
We were trying to live a personal life
And, yes, that was the only life
We could bear witness to
But the great dark birds of history screamed and plunged
Into our personal weather
They were headed somewhere else but their beaks and pinions drove
Along the shore, through the rages of fog
Where we stood, saying I
艾德里安娜.里奇(Adrienne Rich)是美國二十世紀下半葉最有影響力的詩人之一,也是一位著名的女權主義者。這首詩表達了她對女性喪失對社會的關注而僅將目光局限於「小我」的擔憂。19世紀末期到20世紀60年代,是美國女權主義運動如火如荼開展的時代,婦女為自己的權益奔走、抗爭,也取得了不少成績。可是當風雲逐漸消散, 許多婦女漸漸忘卻了自己的處境來之不易,忘卻了那些抗爭的歷史;她們專注於安逸的生活,腦海中只有「我」,忘卻了「我」處於一個更大的社會,忘卻了自己肩負的歷史責任。