
Soonest possible、As soon as possible - 古德明

2014年03月04日 - 蘋果

問:讀電郵,常常見到這樣的句子:I shall reply to you soonest possible(我會盡快奉覆)。Soonest possible二字,似乎不合文法,到底正不正確?

答:我從來不會說(the)soonest possible,只會說as soon as possible或at the soonest possible time,例如:Please forward the letter to them as soon as possible / at the soonest possible time(請盡快把信件轉寄給他們)。Soonest possible應是the soonest possible time的縮略。著名蘇格蘭詩人朋斯(Robert Burns)一七九五年十二月二十日致鄧祿普太太(Mrs Dunlop)的信說:Do let me hear from you the soonest possible(盼盡早賜示)。但the soonest possible這說法,至今都沒有正規英文詞典收錄,不能說是正規英語,也遠遠沒有as soon as possible那麼通用。

