
邱吉爾的話 - 古德明

2013年07月19日 - 蘋果

問:邱吉爾撰寫的第一次世界大戰史The World Crisis有以下一句:All our affairs at this time were complicated with the plans which, as has been explained in the last chapter, were under discussion…。這一句的which是指plans還是affairs?又這兩個名詞都是複數,為什麼as之後卻用單數形式動詞has?

答:Which、who等關係代名詞(relative pronoun),宜盡量貼近所代表的名詞,所以,論文法,which應代表plans,論文意也是如此:「當時,我們的事情錯綜複雜,而正如上一章所說,各計劃還未審議完畢。」

句中as的用法,較難解釋。As一般不算是關係代名詞,但往往可以帶出一非界定關係子句(non-defining relative clause),不是指句中某個名詞,而是指主要子句(main clause)所說的事,用在主要子句前後都可以。這個as有時可和which通用,但which帶出的非界定關係子句,不可用在主要子句之前,例如:

(1)As is often the case, the lifts are out of order / The lifts are out of order, as(或which)is often the case(升降機壞了,那是經常都發生的事)。

(2)As is well known, corruption is rampant in mainland China/ Corruption is rampant in mainland China, as is well known(誰都知道中國大陸貪污猖獗)。

邱吉爾那一句,as指the plans were under discussion這回事,所以as之後的動詞用單數形式has。

