
Due to、Because of、Owing to - 古德明

2014年07月12日 - 蘋果

問:小兒學校英文班傳單有以下一句,說的是什麼?又句子可以用due to開始嗎?──Due to the potential academic excellence of the 2014/15 intakes, the student will be taught with the Primary Two English syllabus in the coming academic year。


至於due to用來起句,倒不能算是錯誤。當然,嚴格而言,due to是形容詞,須用來修飾名詞,例如:His resignation was due to ill health(他因健康不好而辭職)。不過,今天很多人都把due to當作owing to或because of那樣使用,例如:Due to ill health, he resigned / He resigned due to ill health。讀者示下那一句,due to固然可改為because of或owing to,但即使不改,一般都不會認為不妥。

較不妥的是句子下半截。第一,the student應是指the 2014/15 intakes,不應用單數形式;第二,will be taught with the Primary Two English syllabus的with一字應該刪去。全句可改寫如下:Because of / Due to the academic excellence of the 2014/15 intakes, they will be taught the Primary Two English syllabus in the coming academic year。

