
He wrote Vs He writes、Is written Vs Was written - 古德明

2014年02月11日 - 蘋果

問:論述書本、文章內容,要表達作者寫作時心情,可不可以用過去式動詞說In the essay, he wrote...?

答:假如要強調作者從前的心情,可以用過去式動詞。例如某作者從前不相信中醫,後來卻改變想法,你可以說:In one of his former essays, he wrote about his disbelief in Chinese medicine(他從前寫過一篇文章,說不相信中醫)。

但假如只是說文章內容,沒有「當時是如此」含義,則宜用現在式動詞,例如:In the essay, he writes about his disbelief in Chinese medicine(他在文章裏說不相信中醫)。

問:以下一句,為甚麼用is written而不用was written?──This book is written by Joy Cowley(這本書是喬伊.考利寫的)。

答:要說書本、文章等的作者,一般會說This book is by So-and-so(某某是本書作者)之類。要用written一字,則應用過去式動詞,例如:He claims that the newly unearthed play was written by Shakespeare / He claims that it was Shakespeare who wrote the newly unearthed play(他聲言,新發現的那套戲劇,是莎士比亞作品)。「寫作」是過去的事。無論主動還是被動語態(active / passive voice),都應用過去式動詞。當然,假如是說寫作手法,則應用現在式動詞,例如:Most of the play is written in blank verse(這套戲劇,大部分用無韻詩寫成)。

