
戰死的感受、藏毒 - 古德明

2013年2月5日 - 蘋果

問:貴欄曾有以下一句:I think of his emotions at having to die fighting for another country(我想到他要為別國戰死的感受)。句中at having二字怎樣用?


(1)He was filled with amazement at(= He was amazed at)the great beauty of the scenery(當地風景之美,令他驚歎不已)。

(2)He felt great delight at(= He was greatly delighted at)meeting his old classmates again(他和舊同學重逢,十分高興)。

讀者說的那一句,就是用at帶出引起his emotions的事,即having to die fighting for another country。

問:說「他藏有毒品」,英文是He had drugs in his possession還是He had a drug in his possession?又要說「他藏有冰毒」,是He had drug "ice" in his possession還是He had the drug "ice" in his possession?

答:Drug是可數名詞(countable),所以文法上說He had drugs / a drug in his possession都可以,但一般會用複數形式的drugs。當然,要強調「藏有一種毒品」,則宜用a drug。

至於冰毒,是指明某種毒品,所以應說the drug "ice",那the字不可略去。

