
假如、將會改組 - 古德明

2012年09月15日 - 蘋果 

問:If so和if not可不可改為if positive、if yes和if negative、if no?

答:If so即「要是如此」,if not則是「否則的話」,例如:He may bully you. If so, tell the teacher. If not, don't pay him any attention(他可能欺負你。要是這樣,就告訴老師,否則就不要理會他)。這if so和if not是固定用語,不宜用if positive或if negative取代:這兩個說法雖然文法沒有錯,卻很不自然。

If yes和if no則多用在問句之後,表示「是」或「不是」,例如:Would you like to see him? If "yes", please stay here. If "no", you may leave now(你想見他嗎?假如想,請留下來;假如不想,現在可以離去)。這裏的If "yes"和If "no"改為If so和If not也可以。

問:The Personnel Department is to be restructured(人事部將要改組)這一句,is to可不可改為is going to?

答:Be(即is、were等)to有「安排好了」含義,特別是由有司安排,例如:The president is to speak to the nation on television tomorrow(總統明天將上電視向國民致辭)。Be going to則表示「某事看來會發生」或「有意做某件事」,例如:

(1)I think there is going to be a fight(看來要打架了)。

(2)I am not going to do it(我不會做)。The Personnel Department is to be restructured這一句,改為is going to be restructured,文法當然正確,只是少了「經有司決定」含義。

