
And、Injury、Wound - 古德明

2014年07月03日 - 蘋果

問:以下一句,and their impressions的and是「以及」的意思嗎?── Ask anyone about Ocean Park and their impressions may range from it being a fascinating kingdom of marine life to a place full of interesting amusement rides。

答:那個and不可解作「以及」。And字用在Come here(你過來)、Listen(你聽)等不用主詞(subject)的祈使句(imperative sentence)之後,有「假如你……那就……」的意思,等於If you..., then...。改譯標準本《聖經.路加福音》第十一章耶穌的話可作例子:Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you(你只要請求,就會得到;搜尋,就會尋獲;敲門,門就會為你而開)。謹再舉一例:Work harder, and you will be better paid(努力一點,你的工錢就會多一點)。

有時,這個意思的and之前,用的不是祈使句,而只是一名詞片語(noun phrase),例如:

(1)Ten more minutes, and it will explode/ and it will be Christmas(再過十分鐘,就會爆炸/就是聖誕節)。

(2)One false step and you are dead(你走錯一步,就會沒命)。



(1)He had a bullet wound in his back(他背部被子彈所傷)。

(2)He suffered a back injury in the car crash(他在撞車事故之中,背部受傷)。

