
What、How - 古德明

2014年12月09日 - 蘋果

問:要問一個人的樣子,例如是不是大眼睛、小嘴巴等,英文應說What does she look?還是How does she look?

答:讀者示下第一句的what應是代名詞,第二句的how則是副詞(adverb),而代名詞和副詞用法不同:要問人、物等的品質,可用How is...?或What is... like?這兩個句式,例如:

(1)"How is the weather outside? / What is the weather like outside?" "It is frightful, not fit for man or beast."(「外面天氣怎樣?」「十分惡劣,人所難堪,即使野獸都挨不住。」)

(2)"How does she look? / What does she look like?" "She is tall and pretty."(「她的樣子怎樣?」「她很高,很漂亮。」)

無論問題是how one looks還是what one looks like,答案一般都是She is tall and pretty之類大致的描述,未必會仔細形容五官。假如要問五官長得怎樣,英文可以說:What are her facial features like?這樣,對方才會給你以下一類答案:She is a beautiful girl, with big eyes, a straight nose, and a small mouth(她很美,眼睛大,鼻梁直,嘴巴小)。

問:問人家意見,應說How about you?還是What about you?

答:How about you?和What about you?同義,都是「你則怎樣」的意思,不一定是問人家的意見,例如:I am not thirsty. What / How about you?(我不口渴,你呢?)

