
Non-finite Clause - 古德明

2014年11月04日 - 蘋果

問:貴欄日前有以下一句,句子下半截是什麼文法結構?──A British lieutenant was ordered to take the Russian battery, the force to consist of his own company and two other companies(一英軍中尉奉命率領其麾下以及另外兩個步兵連,奪取俄軍砲臺)。

答:句子下半截是個non-finite clause,即「動詞不會變化的子句」。請比較以下句子:

(1)They were to leave for Japan, and their mission was to bomb Hiroshima。

(2)They were to leave for Japan, their mission being to bomb Hiroshima。

這兩句都是說,「他們要去日本,任務是轟炸廣島」。第一句下半截是一般寫法,動詞用單數過去式的was,因為主詞(subject)是單數的mission,又因句子所述是過去的事。第二句下半截用「動詞不會變化的子句」,所以子句主詞their mission即使改為複數形式的their orders,句子所述即使是目前的事,動詞being都不會改變。

讀者說的那一句,下半截就是用類似例句二的寫法,只是用「to+原形動詞(infinitive)」說未來的事,而不用being說「已是如此」的事,改為一般寫法就是:and the force was to consist of his own company and two other companies。

現謹再舉一例:Hector turned and faced Achilles, his fate hanging in the balance / his fate to be decided by the gods(= and his fate hung in the balance / and his fate was to be decided by the gods赫克特轉過身,和阿奇里斯對敵,生死難料/生死將由諸神決定)。

