
Hang up、Hang up on、Hang up in - 古德明

2014年09月10日 - 蘋果

問:講電話時,被對方掛斷,我可不可以說:He hung me up?

答:Hang up有「掛斷(電話)」、「掛起(東西)」兩個意思,例如:

(1)Hang up your coat. Don't put it on the back of the chair(你的外衣,掛起來,不要放在椅背上)。

(2)"Goodbye," he said, and hung up(他說:「再見。」跟着掛斷電話)。

He hung me up是「他把我掛起來」,就和He hung the telephone up / He hung up the telephone(他掛起電話)一樣,那hang up是「掛起」的意思。要說被對方掛斷電話者,hang up之後,可用on字帶出,例如:

(1)How dared you hang up on me!(你怎麼竟敢掛斷電話,不再聽我說下去!)

(2)I hung up on his obscenities(我掛斷電話,不聽他的髒話)。To hang up on someone還有一個同義說法:to hang up in one's ear,例如:She was fired for hanging up in her boss's ear(她掛斷電話,不再和上司說下去,結果被炒魷魚)。

