
Direct question、Indirect question - 古德明

2014年09月13日 - 蘋果

問:英國作家奧威爾名著Nineteen Eighty-four有以下一句:Suddenly he realized what was the matter(他忽然明白那是什麼一回事)。句子下半截為什麼不作what the matter was?

答:英文直接問句(direct question)會把動詞置於主詞(subject)之前,間接問句(indirect question)則和一般敍述句那樣,主詞在前,動詞在後,例如:"Who is he?" I asked / I asked who he was(我問他是誰)。

不過,口頭英語或隨便一點的文字,間接問句有時也會用直接問句的說法,因為說話者或作者覺得那樣比較自然。請看以下一句:She asked me who was the man at the door(她問我門前那個男人是誰)。這一句,文法上應把was置於door之後,但讀起來就沒有那麼順暢。

八月二十四日,拙欄《「唯一教徒」是什麼》文中有以下一句:The commanding officer asked what a Unitarian was(司令官問什麼叫唯一教徒)。這一句下半截原是what was a Unitarian,我為免讀者疑惑,改用正式寫法。學習英文者,用正式寫法較為妥當,但看見Suddenly he realized what was the matter之類較隨便寫法,也應知道這其實是頗常見的。

有些間接問句,主要子句(main clause)置於問題之後,那問題也會用直接問句的寫法,例如:What was it he wanted, I wondered(= I wondered what it was that he wanted我想,他要的是什麼)。

