
Didn't order、Haven't order、Committed to - 古德明

2014年08月 01日 - 蘋果

問:我在餐廳吃飯時,網上跟家人閑聊,說I didn't order salad(我沒有點沙拉),哥哥卻說我應寫的是I haven't ordered salad,對嗎?

答:I didn't order salad其實是較好的說法。一般而言,說「沒有點某些食物、飲料」,會用過去式動詞,例如:I looked up in surprise when the waiter placed a glass of red wine in front of me. "I didn't order that," I said(侍者把一杯紅酒放在我跟前。我愕然擡起頭說:「我沒有點這個啊。」)

但是,要說「我還沒有點菜」,則會用現在完成式動詞,例如:Are you full already? I haven't ordered dessert yet(你已經飽了嗎?我還未點甜品啊)。

問:最近讀到以下一句:We are committed not to burden our friends and relatives with fundraising appeals(我們承諾不令親友為難,不向他們募捐)。句中的committed not to burden要不要改為committed to not burdening?

答:Commit之後,可以用「to+原形動詞(infinitive)」,也可用「to+ing動詞」,例如:If you sign the contract, you commit yourself to using/ use their services for two years(你假如簽署這合同,等於承諾用他們的服務兩年)。讀者示下那一句,committed之後無論用not to burden還是to not burdening,都是正確說法。

