
What - 古德明

2014年07月10日 - 蘋果

問:字典有以下句子:(1)What size shoes do you take?(你穿幾號鞋子?)(2)What colour dress did you buy?(你買了什麼顏色的連衣裙?)這兩句可不可改為Shoes of what size do you take?或Dress of what colour did you buy?又可不可以說What pattern/ shape/ material shoes do you take?(你穿什麼模樣/形狀/質地的鞋子?)

答:What之後可用age、height、weight、size、shape、breadth、depth、length、width、colour等字,問年齡、高度、重量、大小、形狀、寬度、深度、長度、闊度及顏色。除了what colour和what shape,其他what age、what length等,和How old、how long等同義,例如:

(1)What age are you?/ What is your age? / How old are you?(你年紀多大?)

(2)What length is the rope? / What is the length of the rope? / How long is the rope?(繩索有多長?)What age、what depth等等,不用of帶出,例如不應說Of what length is the rope?或Dress of what colour did you buy?

至於「你穿什麼顏色/模樣/形狀/質地的鞋子」,則不可說What colour / pattern / shape / material shoes do you take?問顏色,英文會說:What colour shoes do you normally buy/ prefer?問模樣或形狀,英文一般不會用pattern或shape字,而會用style:What style of shoe do you prefer?問質地,則會說:What material do you prefer for you shoes?或What kind of shoes do you like / prefer--leather, cloth or some other material?總之,不同問題,有不同說法,不可一概而論。

