
Nor、Or - 古德明

2014年07月17日 - 蘋果

問:以下一句,那個選擇正確?──No sign of fear or / nor hesitation was observed(任何恐懼、猶豫的表現都看不到)。

答:一般而言,這一句應用or。英語學者William Strunk The Elements of Style一書nor條下說:Often used wrongly for "or" after negative expressions(否定說法之後,nor常誤用作or)。書中所舉例子是He cannot eat nor sleep應改為He cannot eat or sleep(他吃不下,睡不着)。另一英語學者Michael Swan Practical English Usage一書也說,He doesn't smoke nor drink應改為He doesn't smoke or drink(他不吸煙,也不喝酒)。

不過,朗文英語用法指南Longman Guide to English Usage卻說,neither須和nor而不是or連用,但是:After other negative words, there is often a choice between"nor" and"or"(除了neither,其他否定詞語之後,往往可用nor或or)。書中所舉例子是He did not write nor / or telephone(他沒有寫信或打電話來)。美國著名作家William Faulkner一九五八年三月十三日受訪時也說:I wasn't interested in literature nor literary people(我當時對文學或文學愛好者都不感興趣)。然則讀者示下那一句,用nor也無不可,只是這用法或會被視為錯誤。

當然,否定子句(clause)之後,假如有另一否定子句,則可用nor帶出那子句,不可用or,例如:There was no sign of fear, nor was there any sign of hesitation。

