
Late night、Can、Be able to - 古德明

2014年05月09日 - 蘋果

問:I had a late night last night(我昨天很晚才就寢)這一句正確嗎?重複night字有沒有問題?

答:Late night(深夜才就寢)和early night(很早就寢)是常用語,其後可用tonight、last night等,不必顧忌重複,例如:

(1)I'll have an early night tonight(我今晚會很早就寢)。

(2)Late night last night, eh? / You had a late night last night, didn't you?(你昨天很晚才就寢,對嗎?)

當然,要說「很晚才就寢」,英文還有其他說法,例如:I stayed up late last night / I didn't go to bed until late last night(我昨天很晚才就寢)。

問:Can和be able to有甚麼分別?

答:Can和be able to都有「能夠」的意思。說現在的事,一般用can,例如「我懂得游泳」英文是I can swim,很少說I am able to swim。

說未來的事,則應用will be able to,不用can,例如:Will you be able to complete your research next year?(你的研究工作,明年能夠完成嗎?)

說過去,could和was / were able to都可以指「通常具有的能力」;但要說「某一特別場合之中,運用其能力做了某一件事」,則應用was/ were able to,例如:

(1)I could swim / was able to swim100 metres when I was young(我年輕時,游泳可達一百公尺之遠)。

(2)The police officer was able to overpower the thug(那警察制服了那暴徒)。例句二假如用could,則只表示「有能力制服那暴徒」,卻未必有這樣做。

