
That there be - 古德明

2013年12月24日 - 蘋果

問:有石油公司廣告說:Natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is(天然氣是現有傳統燃料之中最清潔的燃料)。句末加there is二字,是什麼句式?這句式常用嗎?

答:這there is其實是一關係子句(relative clause),句子全寫是Natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel that there is(in the world today)。謹再舉一例:This is definitely the most authoritative book(that) there is on Chiang Kai-shek(這本書無疑是當今蔣介石評傳之中,最翔實可靠的一本)。

留意上述that there be(即is、were等)句式的that字,往往略去。又(that) there be習慣用在名詞之後,強調「所有的」或「既有的」,而那名詞不一定要用best、most authoritative等最高級形容詞(the superlative)修飾,例如:

(1)Jason was her husband, and(he was)the only man(that)there was for her(傑森是她丈夫,也是她唯一的男人)。

(2)The similarities(that) there are between Chinese and Western cultures must not be overlooked(中西文化相同之處,不可以忽略)。

