
Issue、Issuing、Issuance - 古德明

2013年11月02日 - 蘋果

問:今年五月二十二日,社會福利處發出通告說:The Social Welfare Department announces that due to the issue of the Black Rainstorm Warning, all welfare service units will not open to the public(社會福利處宣布,由於已發出黑色暴雨警告,所有社會福利服務單位將不會開放)。句中issue一字,用得對不對?

答:那位讀者發覺,當天不同政府部門的通告,措詞都不同,例如司法機關說:The Judiciary announces that because of the issuing of Black Rainstorm Warning...,入境事務處則說:The Immigration Department announces that due to the issuance of Black Rainstorm Warning Signal...。他查《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》,找不到issuance一字,不知正不正確;而issue和issuing兩字,又不知怎樣取捨。

按issuance一字,其實頗為常見,意思則和issue、issuing一樣,指「發出」,所以,那三句無論用哪一個字,都沒有問題,不能說哪一個較好。至於Black Rainstorm Warning(Signal)之前,最好用冠詞a,但用the也可以。

又上述三句的措詞,都畧嫌累贅。以社會福利處那一句為例,我會改寫如下:The Social Welfare Department announces that because a Black Rainstorm Warning has been issued, all welfare service units will be closed to the public。原文will not open的open是動詞,不大妥當,改用形容詞will not be open,也會好一點。

