
用心教學;我是何者? - 古德明

2013年09月11日 - 蘋果

問:一家補習社門外寫着We teach with heart(我們用心教學)一語,是不是應改為We teach with hearts或We teach with our hearts?

答:補習社那一句絕對不用更改。Heart可作不可數名詞(uncountable noun),指「熱心」或「關懷」,例如:

(1)They had no heart for this kind of work(他們對這種工作完全提不起勁)。

(2)They must put more heart into the job(他們須用心一點工作)。

此外,heart解作「決心」或「勇氣」,也是不可數名詞,例如:We took heart / lost heart when we heard the news(我們聽到消息,都感到振奮/氣餒)。

問:我們的校監寫了以下一句:I am an economics scholar who has spent my whole life at universities(我是個經濟學者,一生都在大學度過)。有同學認為my whole life應改為his whole life,我則認為who has spent應改為who have spent,先生認為怎樣?

答:這一句的who之後,用has spent his whole life、have spent my whole life或has spent my whole life都可以。以下三句,一取自十九世紀英國劇作家Thomas Egerton Wilks獨幕劇My Wife's Dentist,另外兩句取自御用聖經King James Version及新版御用聖經New King James Version約翰福音第八章第十八節,可供參考:

(1)I am one who always speaks his mind(我是個直言無隱的人)。

(2)、(3)I am one that bear witness of myself/ I am one who bears witness of myself(我是何者?自我作證者也)。我自己選擇第一個寫法,但當然不敢說第二、三個寫法錯誤。

