
難忘的一幕、有些東西 - 古德明

2012年08月04日 - 蘋果 


答:That當然不可以這樣用。例如He did not know the answer, which was surprising(他不知道答案,那很奇怪)一語,which不可用that取代。

讀者提出上述問題,是因為在一本教英文的書裏看到以下句子,誤以為句中的that字等於which:I was so surprised to see Chief Executive Tsang Yam-kuen pick up a banana thrown at him by Longhair Leung Kwok-hung and then throw it back at Longhair that it will always be etched in my memory(我見到行政長官曾蔭權拾起長毛梁國雄擲向他的香蕉,回擲長毛。這一幕令我深感詫異,留在心裏,永不磨滅)。

句中的that,其實是和so連用,即I was so surprised that...,只是原句的so和that相隔實在太遠,而it will always be etched的it字指什麼,並不清楚。句子改寫一下,也許會好一點:I was so surprised to see Chief Executive Tsang Yam-kuen pick up the banana Longhair Leung Kwok-hung threw at him and throw it back that the scene will forever be etched in my memory。

問:Something和some things有什麼分別?

答:Something是「某種東西」,是單數名詞,沒有複數形式;some things則指「幾種東西」,例如:

(1)She left something for you(她留下一件東西給你)。

(2)Some things are better left unsaid(有些事情最好不要說)。

